Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Part 1: The Body

The body is your physical representation of your self. When interacting with outers face to face, which should be something to do at least once a week, it is important to put your best foot forward. There is a great analogy that a friend shared with me: would you give your credit card numbers to a website that looks like it's from the 90's and has broken links? No. So why would a person want to give you their time, which is a precious and limited commodity, if you are dirty, smell bad, have no style, and have an aura of creepiness? They wouldn't unless they also have these characteristics. 
There is a solution, but it takes effort and time, both precious and limited commodities. There are small steps and big steps and it is all dependent on where you currently are and where you want to get to. I'll start with the most vital things and move down the list, but note that none of these areas should be ignored completely, simply put on the back burner while you work on those most vital things. Once the vital things are incorporated into your life, then you can move on down the list with confidence because you have taken those very difficult first steps with success. Don't worry if it takes a while for these things to become a part of your everyday existence, change is difficult, but difficult challenges are often the most rewarding when overcome.

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